Mystery Cache

Owners BONUS Cache

A cache by N.o.e.
Hidden : 04/20/2015
4.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

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In Jihomoravsky kraj, Czech Republic
W W 16.6 km from your home location
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Geocache Description:

Tohle NENI challenge cache. Podobnost s timto typem kese je ciste nahodna.

This unknown cache is NOT challenge cache. Similarity with this type of cache is purely coincidental.

GeoWiki: Challenge cache:
7. Logovani kese s vyzvou nesmi byt podmineno zakladanim novych kesi nebo waymarku. Vyzva musi byt dosazitelna i pro toho, kdo kese ani waymarky nevlastni.

Groundspeak: 1.19. Challenge Geocaches:
7. Challenge geocaches may not require the publication or ownership of a geocache or waymark as a challenge criteria; challenge geocaches must be achievable by those who do not own geocaches or waymarks.

V posledni dobe se nam to tu v republice rozrusta o jakesi divne kese s vyzvou, jejichz podminky, jsou pro bezneho geocachera do duchodu nesplnitelne. Nehlede na to, ze pro vetsinu i tech jednodussich je treba mit bohateho sponzora. Oproti pravidlu 7, je zakladaji owneri, kteri ani sami casto danou vyzvu nedokazi splnit.
Proto jsem se rozhodl vytvorit OWNERS - BONUS CACHE jako priklad tech owneru, kteri se rozmanitou skalou kesi snazi zpestrit ostatnim jejich vylety. Tem patri velke podekovani. Tu vyvstava otazka, zda-li je tezsi zalozit 6 typu kesi, ktere alespon za neco stoji nebo ziskat souradnice ze zadani? Jelikoz tato kes nemuze byt typu challenge, souradnice si musi spocitat kazdy sam.

In recent time, we have created a strange challenge in our country, which conditions are unaffordable until retirement for normal geocacher. Regardless of the fact, that for the majority of these the simple challenges, it is necessary to have a rich sponsor. Compared to rule 7, these caches are created by owners who are not able to meet the challenge as well.
That is why I decided to create a OWNERS - BONUS CACHE by way of example owners, who tries to improve other´s trips by various caches. These include many thanks. The question arises here whether it is harder to create 6 types of caches or acquire the coordinates from the task? Since it can not be challenge, right coordinates has to count everybody himself.


- neni zde treba nic rozhrabovat ani preryvat --> neni na zemi;
- is not necessary grub anything --> is not on the ground.

K dnesnimu dni 20.4.2015 ma v CR zalozeno 6 typu kesi cca 11 owneru. Takze o FTF a Found it by bylo vcelku rozhodnuto.

To date 20 April 2015 has in CR created 6 base types of caches about 11 owners. So the FTF and Found it logs would be quite decided.

Aby vas nenapadlo hledat na vychozich souradnicich, tak jak jiz byva zvykem, kes se na vychozich souradnich nenachazi, ani na moste, ani na dalnici, ani v jeji blizkosti!!!

Do not try to look for it on initial coordinates. Cache is NOT placed on the bridge, neider on highway, nor in the vicinity of highway!!!

Podekovani za pomoc s testem souradnic patri myspulce a Sabinelance.

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Current Time:
Last Updated: on 04/23/2015 23:23:00 Pacific Daylight Time (06:23 GMT)
Rendered From:Unknown
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{"alt":"OS NPE (GB only)","tileUrl":"{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "minZoom":6, "maxZoom": 15, "attribution": "OpenStreetMap NPE" }

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