* JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl ") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl ") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Prosim o zaslani souradnic. Dik. * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl (Ping timeout)") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl (Ping timeout)") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Preji hezky den. Prosim o zaslani souradnic. Dik. Preji hezky den :-) Prosim o zaslani souradnic. Dik. * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has left #GC3C9RX * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl (Ping timeout)") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Preji hezky den. Prosim o vygenerovani souradnic. Dik. Prosim o zaslani souradnic. Dik. Prosim o souradnice. Dik * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has left #GC3C9RX * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl (Ping timeout)") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Po nekolikate se pokousim spojit se. ale je to marne. :-( Ahoj. Ahoj. * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl ") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Snazim se :-) Snazim se. eg: /join #gc3c9rx Ahoj. Ahoj * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Tak bude to komunikovat? * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has left #GC3C9RX s timhle pristupem ne... :P * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl (Ping timeout)") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Ahoj. Ahoj Ahoj Ahoj Zaslani souradnic. Dik Ahoj. Zaslání souradnic. Dik. * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl ") * JaraB (4e2d4ab2@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #GC3C9RX JaraB: oh hai! \o_ Ahoj. * JaraB has quit ("http://webchat.xs4all.nl ")